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About us


At Greater Works Ministry (GWM), we’re passionate about teaching the word of God to all. 


It's important to know who we are and whose we are in the Body of Christ! 


Life has a way of minimizing ourselves - hostile work environments; difficult homes; troubled children; physical and mental abuse. The list goes on. We don't claim to have all the answers, but we do know the source who does! Jesus Christ. We invite you to begin a journey with us. One that will rival any fictional novel you may read! This is a wonderous trip that will lift you up and set you upon the highest mountain peaks. You will begin to feel better about yourself and your place on God's earth.  It begins by opening the covers of the Bible and reading;  reading evolves into study; and study evolves into knowledge of the Word of God. It's all about developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Here at GWM, we will help to equip you to face and overcome life's difficulties! We'll show you a proven method to study and comprehend God's Word. You'll learn how to break down scripture into the Greek and Hebrew root words and dissect the text to ferret out the true meaning of the scriptures. We'll show you how to apply this knowledge to your situtations, and over time, we pray that you will learn to develop a personal and unique relationship with Jesus Christ.


So, are you ready to roll up your sleeves and get into it?


We invite you to explore our website and begin your journey today!  


- GWM Staff     

Greater Works Ministry

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